Our PTA is made up of volunteer parents & teachers who use their talents to provide additional educational resources and activities for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year.
Interested in open board or chair positions? Contact info@ardenwoodschool.org.
There are a number of events that rely on volunteer-power to run. The PTA board has identified several opportunities for programs this year that we would love to support if we had the help to do so. If you are interested in organizing any of the below events, please reach out to info@ardenwoodschool.org.
- Spring Festival (May)
Ardenwood PTA Board & Chairs
Ardenwood PTA Officers | Name | |
President | Michael Garcia | ptapresident@ardenwoodschool.org |
Executive Vice President | Amy Chantasirivisal | ptavp@ardenwoodschool.org |
Financial Secretary | -- Open seat -- | fsec@ardenwoodschool.org |
Recording Secretary | Sharon Daco | rsec@ardenwoodschool.org |
Treasurer | Gabriele Strasser | treasurer@ardenwoodschool.org |
Auditor | -- Open seat -- | auditor@ardenwoodschool.org |
Parliamentarian | -- Open seat -- | parliamentarian@ardenwoodschool.org |
Ardenwood PTA Chairs | Name | |
Ardenwood Store / Spiritwear Chair |
Ami N. | store@ardenwoodschool.org |
Communications Chair | -- Open seat -- | communications@ardenwoodschool.org |
Dine-Out Events | -- Open seat -- | dine-out@ardenwoodschool.org |
Fundraising Chair | -- Open seat -- | fundraising@ardenwoodschool.org |
Festival Chair | -- Open seat -- | festivals@ardenwoodschool.org |
Dragon Dash Chair | Monika M. | dragondash@ardenwoodschool.org |
Movie Night Chair | Reem E. | movienight@ardenwoodschool.org |
Multicultural Celebrations: Diwali Committee Chair | Ritu V. | diwali@ardenwoodschool.org |
Multicultural Celebrations: Eid Committee Chair | Jazna J. | eid@ardenwoodschool.org |
Multicultural Celebrations: Lunar New Year Committee Chair | Wenxia W. | lny@ardenwoodschool.org |
Reflections Art Chair | Lakshmi C. | reflections@ardenwoodschool.org |
STEM Chair | Aarthi A. | stem@ardenwoodschool.org |
Staff Appreciation Chair | -- Open seat -- | staffappreciation@ardenwoodschool.org |
Talent Show Chair | Bhavna M. | talent@ardenwoodschool.org |
Webmaster/Technology Chair | -- Open seat -- | webmaster@ardenwoodschool.org |
Yearbook Chair | Kelly | yearbook@ardenwoodschool.org |
Admin Rep | Ms. Mason | gmason@fusdk12.net |
Staff Rep | Ms. Wayne | mwayne@fusdk12.net |